MCMC Residency Programs

A Message from Oleg Teytelboym, MD
Interim Designated Institutional Official, GME
We are delighted to welcome you to Mercy Catholic Medical Center (MCMC). We are a busy safety-net hospital serving the communities of southwest Philadelphia and inner suburbs of Northeast Delaware County. Our hospital has 6,587 admissions and 200,000 outpatient encounters annually. We are certified by national organizations for our care in stroke, breast cancer treatment, advanced cardiac care, bariatric surgery and wound care. Our busy outpatient offices, emergency department and inpatient hospitals provide advanced, patient centered care to our community. We are proud to earn an “A” from the Leapfrog Group for Hospital Safety and to be Best Hospital in Delaware County according the Delaware County Daily Times.
We are extremely committed to medical education as demonstrated by our four Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited residency programs: Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Diagnostic Radiology and Transitional Year Residency. In addition to our four MCMC accredited programs, MCMC is a teaching sites for the Thomas Jefferson University's Emergency Medicine, Main Line Health's Urology, and PCOM’s Orthopedics Residency training programs.
As part of our deep commitment to medical education, MCMC offers clinical clerkships to medical students affiliated with Drexel University College of Medicine (DUCOM) and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM), as well as select elective rotations for Osteopathic Medical Students from across the country.
Mercy’s clinical learning environment combined with its location in suburban Philadelphia allows residents to balance their education, work, and personal lives.
Our residencies build on more than eight decades of medical education to allow residents to become fully trained for osteopathic or allopathic boards, as well as challenging subspecialty fellowships.
Medical students who rotate through MCMC’s programs benefit from exposure to a large, diverse patient population with a wide spectrum of disease states in a variety of clinical-social scenarios at both hospitals. Approximately 40 medical students complete rotations every month in the Departments of Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology, Psychiatry, Radiology and Emergency Medicine. Due to the number of affiliated learners on our teams, we do not currently offer student observerships.
We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to lay the groundwork for your medical education during your stay on our healthcare team.
For more information contact:
Carina Sundstrom, MS
Director, Graduate Medical Education
More About MCMC Residency Programs
The Internal Medicine Residency Program has been part of a long and rich tradition of providing excellent graduate medical education at Mercy Catholic Medical Center (MCMC). The philosophy of the program is to offer a challenging, stimulating and well-structured curriculum that develops physicians who:
- Possess a broad, deep knowledge of Internal Medicine
- Perform outstanding clinical care
- Practice integrated, cost effective, evidence-based medicine
- Provide compassionate care and
- Maintain clinical competence through self-directed learning
The program consistently produces physicians who are prepared for multiple career paths in hospitalist practice, internal medicine subspecialties, clinical private practice, and academic medicine. The faculty is committed to sustaining the three-year American Board of Internal Medicine Certifying (ABIM) Examination passage rate of 100%.
As a community-based academic hospital system, MCMC provides residents with a diverse case learning experience at both Mercy Fitzgerald, which serves the suburban patients of Eastern Delaware County and Southwest Philadelphia, and HUP Cedar Avenue (previously Mercy Philadelphia), which serves the urban population of West Philadelphia.
For More Information: Please review our Internal Medicine or Osteopathic Recognition pages.
The Diagnostic Radiology Residency at Mercy Catholic Medical Center (MCMC) offers a total of 10 residency positions. The program offers state-of-the-art training in radiology within a community hospital setting. This environment affords residents an opportunity to balance hands-on experience with didactic teaching. Graduates of our program are successful in obtaining Fellowships and Board Certification.
Each year, the radiology department at Mercy Fitzgerald performs approximately 205,000 examinations. All subspecialty areas in Radiology are represented, including neuroradiology, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, nuclear medicine, mammography, cardiothoracic, and ultrasound. Our residents also learn 3D imaging with access to serve-side reconstruction in addition to 3D workstations. Our program includes a subspecialty rotation in pediatric radiology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In addition, all residents attend a four-week didactic course in radiologic pathologic correlation.
The educational program in Diagnostic Radiology includes two daily conferences given by staff radiologists, lectures by visiting professors, departmental M & M, and journal club. The program also benefits from the wealth of educational opportunities available in Philadelphia. Participation in the citywide Pediatric Conferences at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, as well as participation in the Philadelphia Roentgen Ray Society are also part of the curriculum.
A citywide physics course is included in the curriculum for all residents. In addition to departmental didactic conferences, residents participate in interdepartmental conferences at Mercy Catholic Medical Center, including, Neuroradiology-Neurology-Neurosurgery conference, Tumor Board, Core Curriculum, Radiology/Pathology, and Radiology/Medicine conferences.
Seven rotations of elective time are available to residents over the PGY-3 through PGY-5 of the program.
Our five-year residency in Diagnostic Radiology is fully approved by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education. MCMC Diagnostic Radiology Program includes the preliminary Transitional internship which is AMA accredited and has ACGME osteopathic recognition. During the Transitional Year, the residents spend two months rotating in the Radiology Department. The program utilizes the National Intern and Resident Matching Program (NRMP).
For More Information: Please review our Diagnostic Radiology and Radiology Faculty Residency Program pages, call 610.237.4355, or email
The General Surgery program consists of 12 residents, with two chief residents graduating each year. Two categorical and two preliminary positions are offered at the PGY-1 level. Faculty members ensure individual attention is given to each resident and encourage active participation in ongoing clinical research projects and scholarship.
The program incorporates all surgical specialties – urology, plastic surgery, thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics and otolaryngology. More than 9,000 operative cases are performed at both campuses of MCMC each year, and each general surgery patient admitted is considered a teaching patient.
All first year residents participate in the operating room. Off-campus rotations include the Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Crozer-Chester Medical Center and Nazareth Hospital. Residents receive an integrated experience, learning to manage a broad variety of conditions that impact upon general surgery.
For More Information: Please review our General Surgery Residency Program page, call 610.237.4960, or email
The Transitional Year Residency Program was established to meet the needs of physicians whose residency programs require one year of fundamental clinical experience, as well as to provide the option of a broad base of clinical experience prior to specialization. Ten positions are offered.
The program offers a number of different options in structuring the transitional year, attempting to allow individuals to design a program uniquely suited to their needs. All positions include rotations in internal medicine, emergency medicine, ambulatory care and surgery. Electives are available in pediatrics, gynecology, radiology, anesthesiology, pathology, family practice, as well as medical and surgical subspecialties.
For More Information: Please review our Transitional Year Residency Program page, call 610.237.7337, or email