Scholarly Activity & Research

The Radiology Department at MCMC is one of the most academically productive in the country. Applicants and visiting students often ask how such a small program can produce so many research projects and publications. The answer is motivated residents with a passion for research and enthusiastic faculty who are supportive of their ideas and efforts. Scholarly activity has become part of the identity of the program and it is not uncommon for residents to have multiple presentations and exhibits at the major radiologic meetings such as RSNA and ARRS.
Many of our residents have also been first authors on publications in major radiologic journals such as Radiographics. Residents are given dedicated research time to complete their projects and are granted time off clinical rotations to attend the meeting where their project is accepted. Please click the link below to see a list of recent scholarly activity.
View summaries [pdf, 163kb] of our activities and research projects from 2023-24.
View summaries [pdf, 194kb] of our activities and research projects from 2022-23.
View summaries [pdf, 122kb] of our activities and research projects from 2021-22.
View summaries [pdf, 113kb] of our activities and research projects from 2020-21.
View summaries [pdf, 97kb] of our activities and research projects from 2019-20.